Sunday, January 16, 2011

Next Step

Well Jay, the hospital did their far as getting you back walking, talking, eating, and they want you out.  so tomorrow we find out where you are going.  There are two options apparently... the first is to go to an inpatient clinic...that is just across from where you are now at Tampa General.  The second option is to go your house and use the outpatient services that they will hook you up with. 
Today you were a bit off on your stories and time lines again.  You thought Kyle was just three and a half years old and that you crashed your car on the way to Amy's brothers funeral.  (just repeating what you've said cuz I don't know these events)  Mom just said ok...because it was making you upset when she would tell you that wasn't correct.
I did get to talk to you today, and I told you to stop moving that darm arm!!  you said, "yeah yeah"
And Stokes & Megan came to see you today.  They are taking care of your living space and getting it ready for when you  come home.
I love you Jay...Keep on healing!!


  1. what year did Amy's brother Nick die? Did amy have a brother Nick? Cuz all the guys were riding to his funeral yesterday and that is how the accident happened...little different each day..always all the guys always a white big car.

  2. Which amy is he talking about? If he meant me...I don't have a brother nick only a cousin nick who is alive and well. I don't know if this helps at all to clarify. Hope everyone is doing well and jay buddy....I love ya.keep getting stronger!

  3. His memory will get stronger.he has come so far in just a week.I still worry and pray for his recovery everyday.I'm so glad that you are there with him.jay used to tell me stories (good stories) about his mom back in the day.he thinks so highly of you and maia and because of him...I do too! Stay strong for jay! And 2 jay my brother...I wish I could take all your pain and confusion away for a while.I will always be here for you as you have been for me. I love you as if you are my true brother and I miss you. It brought tears to my eyes to know you still remember me.thank you. Hotrod...its time to rev your engine and floor it to a fast recovery! you always loved living in the fast lane so here's to getting another chance only this time less dangerously please?! ;-) sleep well tonight.we will talk soon. Hugs and love always---your lil michigan "sis" amy
