Friday, January 14, 2011

Attention Whore

Haha! Hi brother! This is May posting...your favorite (& incidentally only) sister! Mom wanted to start a blog to keep all your friends and extended family up to date on things.  You have SOOOOO many friends & family, that we just can't keep up with all the texts and emails!
The low down, you crashed your bike.  The sister....and nurse....says "AHHHH!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO HELMET!?!?!"  But I've learned a few things lately...about bikers, lol! And I completely respect your biker family...good people Jay Jay.  I'm glad you found them.
The first thing we heard from the ER...was that you were brain dead.  A nurse in the ER told mom that you had no brain activity, and she had mom identify you by the "ONE" tattoo on your neck.  She was in shock...and the same time.  When I spoke to her...and she told me the news, I think I just went numb.  The nurse had told mom that she needed to be there within 24hrs...I knew why.  Those organs inside of you are only good for so long.  A sickening sinking feeling.  Dear brother...I can't begin to tell you that hell that immediately encompassed us.
SO! My next conversation was with a fella named Stokes.  I introduced myself as your sister and said...please tell me whats happened.  He explained you went off the road on your motorcycle and got hurt quite badly.  When he said you didn't have a helmet on, next words weren't too kind.  (for this I apologized to his girl Megan)  He handed the phone over to Crash.  Man, was I relieved to hear Crash was there....I knew him! I think I began to cry at that moment.  Now...when he told me that they were taking you up to the ICU, I about had a heart attack!! They don't take dead people to the ICU!!!!! I said, "Crash, talk slow and talk fast!" He explained some of the injuries they could see initially, and that they were taking you to the ICU to test for brain activity. At that moment, he vowed that he wouldn't be leaving your side until he knew you were going to make it.  He explained everything that he knew about the events leading up to the accident, then told me every thing he knew- I would know as fast as he could get the info to me.
I called mom immediately... I'm thinking, "MOM!!! MOM!!! HE'S ALIVE!!!"  When I told her that you weren't gone...we both sat in silence for a minute...then she told me she was on a flight first thing the next day and that the bike club had arranged everything!

Always the center of attention, ; )
well, ours at least.

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