Sunday, January 16, 2011

Me and the Guys

I am watching you sleep now after the doctor comes in to talk to you about the accident. He asks you about how it happened and you recall the story as you have made it in your mind. "Me and guys were out riding and I got hit from behind but nobody else did." 

"got hit by a white crown vic" this part of the story remains the same"

"I got brought here by the ambulance" Why? Looks at mom.

I am starting to see this look of fear in your eyes "mom?" "you were in an accident honey bumped your head and broke your clavicle, I told you yesterday and I will tell you everyday. It's okay, you will remember someday, today you dont have to remember, okay."

"Kay ma"

Mom tells doctor..he was flown here by helicopter, he was riding alone..."oh...this story is not true?" Doh!! read the charts dude...

"Where is Jessica...?" "shes at her moms"..."oh"

Sleep..son.. "kay ma"

Thank you all for your continued prayers...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jay, It's Chrissy..or Aunt Chrissy as you said when you friended me on fb.. You are so damn cute!! Aren't you so glad mom is with you; I know I am, as you already know she is one person who you want on your side!! Sounds like this shit is going to take a long time to recover from, we are so blessed that you are still here and have the gift of time. One day at a time Jay, it's a hard way to live but you only have today. Don't be too hard on yourself "(hahah I said hard on)" day by day you will grow stronger. You've been given another chance, not everyone can say that. So incase you're tired of hearing all about you :) Which of course we all know this is about I'll tell you a little story about me, because next to you it's all about me. So i cut my thumb a couple weeks ago and I go to get the stichtes out today, and I'm a ginormous baby when it comes to doctors. Well she snips and pulls the first one out and in my high pitched voice say "Ouch", then the second one..snip and pull and me "OUCH", then she asked if I need to lay down. Well there you were in my head and my heart. And I thought of what you have endured and what you are going through now and how could I be such a big baby, they're just stitches.."NO" I don't need to lay down. It probably sounds so corny but I got some courage from you today Jason...stay strong when you feel like you just don't have it in you...You take the strength and courage and hope and faith you need from all of us that LOVe you!! We will give it to you until it's coming out your...well you know what. :) Hold on to that wonderful smile you have--Love YOu Jason-- <3
