Friday, January 14, 2011

The Shadows are Longest at Night Goonie

Today....was a really hard day for you.  You cried a lot.  You are very confused and very lost.  Jay Jay, focus...I'm telling you in my mind, "focus brother....focus". 
Good motor function today...which means walking and peeing went well.  But your mental status is really taking a beating.  You are lost in so many different times in your life.  Some times you don't remember that you have children, some times you think you have less children than you do.  Some times you think you live in Michigan, and once you said you were currently in "Westlake".  Some times you recognize whats happened to you and some times you don't recognize mom.  At some points, you are telling mom that Cynthia is at work..and she was riding on your bike with you when you got hit.  You say you see a fella who has blood from his ears, and you watch him go to the ER and you are watching all these people around him.  It wasn't you that flew off your, you are standing next to your bike.  And your head is not injured...those marks are "from a rag you wear [on your head] at work"..."Don't worry mom, those are just from work".  But when you see yourself in the mirror in the bathroom, you recognize that your head is hurt.  You scratch your head and get very scared when mom tells you that you were in an accident...and the reason you are so lost is because you've hurt your head.  But you get scared Goonie, and the darkness comes again...and you are lost.  Mom lays with you to calm actually take her head put it on your chest and she listens to your heart beat...and thanks God that there is one.  She hears that it is strong...and hopes to all things merciful in this universe...that your mind will become as strong as your heart.  Boy know the truth of it matter where we think we roam in this life, we always come back to the beginning.  It was you and mom before it was any of the rest of us.  And in the beginning, it was just you and a hospital bed together...while she listened to your heartbeat...and even then, prayed for you before herself.
You beg her for help as your mind drifts between these different stages and times of your life.  As though scenes from your life are being played on a stage...then the curtain closes for a while...and when it reopens, there is another backdrop, with yet another scene.  All the world is a stage Jay Jay, and we are just its players. ; )  When you are at your worst, mom reads Leaves of Grass to you.  I may have given her the hint that it would bring you comfort.  She says, with tears in your eyes...she begins to read, and you wink at her...and close your eyes and listen.
Today is the first time we hear of the hospital wanting to transfer a rehab center.  Not sure, just yet, what they are thinking...but I feel its completely too soon.
I wonder now...if you didn't leave us for a time Jay.  Maybe that nurse in the ER wasn't too far off. You describe to mom, seeing a body just like yours, laying in a hospital bed, with blood coming from the ears.  But its not you...because you are standing next to your bike, smiling that contagious grin of yours, as the light from the sun dances and reflects off the metal of your motorcycle.
The shadows are longest in the evening Goonie, and at night they fall all around us.  I know you feel like you are in a very dark place, all around you is darkness...and you are searching...searching...searching to understand anything! But look closer brother...focus on our eyes.  Here we are!  You are surrounded by so many of us, sheltering over you, circling around many of us that we block the light! We are here.  Feel our energy and borrow from our strength.  If you reach out...not matter which direction, there is a hand there to grasp.


  1. Jason fight and keep fighting! You have never given up on anything before... whether it was a car, your friends, your children, your family. I'm so proud of you for all the progress you've done so far.

    Remember one night last year we were talking and I said if you coast which direction to you go? You said down then you laughed and so did I and you told me then you didn't want to do that and I said then don't buddy! That convo was about something else but completely applies to you today... you have your hand on the throttle and your not coasting buddy :) That is truly inspiring! You are showing everyone and Kyle that just cause you get hurt doesn't mean you can't get back up and keep going. Push through this Jason! I know you can and you will!

    I have faith in you buddy and so does your family and friends! Kyle loves you very much and misses you! He says get better soon dad! He smiled so big the other day when he heard your voice on the phone. He made you something too and we mailed it to Lorri for you.

  2. are my best friend.we have been thru a lot together and despite the times we have lost touch...we always find each other again.keep fighting for me have wouldn't let me walk out of this world when I wanted to and I'm not letting you go either. I need ya in my life and I don't think I could live a day without it being a "muxlowfied" day.I enjoy ur positive words and texts of encouragement.I'm so sorry I can't come see you right now.I will be down there asap tho I are so strong and have so much to live're finally happy in life and I envy you so much.please don't give up...this is a minor setback but as always you WILL make it thru.I know this! Your family and friends and especially your mom (who text me to tell me you're ok...thanks mom) and sis are truely amazing.we all love you so much and am wishing for a speedy recovery.if I could trade places with you for one day jay I would so that you don't have to be in pain.your children need u ans so does everyone else. I love you jay and I miss will always hold a special place in my heart and when I heard of the accident...I literally body went numb.please don't ever give us a scare like this again. Ill be praying for you and thinking of ya.the minute you feel or text.I'm always here for you. Get better jay! You just have 2. Stay focused. Love ya bro.

    Your michigan lil sis,
    Amy v.
